Uncategorized (63)


knowledge of the heart

Feeling loved is feeling understood Who can know without knowing pain? Who can know without being shamed? Isolation is easy, not selfless  not free. But insecure, vulnerable, and weak; this heart knows, this heart seeks. it’s He who was slain,  who knows from His heart,…

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The Folly of Idolatry

             13–17       The woodworker draws up plans for his no-god, traces it on a block of wood. He shapes it with chisels and planes into human shape—a beautiful woman, a handsome man, ready to be placed in…

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Craig Gay on Christian Ethics

The basic Christian insights about love and sin mean that, as Christians, we will always find ourselves in tension with the world at large.  We will, for example, find ourselves in the awkward position of insisting that people be treated with ver great care socially,…

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Ellul on Faith and Liberation

The fight of faith to which we are committed is not a fight against man.  It is not a question of destroying him, of convincing him that he is wrong.  It is a fight for his freedom.  Reinserted into a sacred, a prisoner of his…

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Rousseau on Consumption

Man who had previously been free and independent, is now so to speak subjugated by a multitude of new needs. Consuming ambition, the ardent desire to raise one's relative fortune less out of genuine need than in order to place oneself above others, instills in…

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