Mirror Dimly Blog

Explorations in faith, technology & the mystery of being human. 


Learning to Trust in the Slow Work of God

Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without the delay. We should like to skip the intermediate stages. We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new. And…

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Barth on incarnation

“God goes into the far country so that man can be brought into the history of the three persons.. He becomes what He had not previously been. He takes into unity with His divine being a quite different, a creaturely and indeed sinful being. To…

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Instagram, Hashtags, and the Things We Communicate

There’s a search feature on Instagram which tells me that there are more than 40 million pictures tagged with the word “blessed.” They boast about meeting celebrities, getting a new tattoo, and finishing a morning workout with a protein shake. In our world, to be…

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on Gadamer, Hermeneutics, and the Church

Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method: refuting the “prejudice against prejudice” For Gadamer the words truth and meaning should be in quotations: “truth” and “meaning” . He doesn't simply discard absolute truth entirely but questions the possibility for an infallible method to access this truth. It…

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Thoughts on Art, Salvation and Being Human

The question of vocation has loomed over my head and heart for many years. I’ve heard that most people don’t discover their true vocation until their mid 30s, likely because they’ve reached a certain degree of self-awareness. I’m in my late 20s and fighting to…

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